Free & Easy Ad Network

Simple ad network, for websites in need of new visitors

Privacy Focused

Privacy Focused

Automated keyword-matched ads for privacy. No cookies, simply focused on ensuring happy visitors.

Detailed Statistics

Detailed Statistics

Free dashboard that holds 1 month of ad performance statistics

How does it work?

A small, neat ad bar with just a few text ads will show up at the bottom of all websites in the network.

For each website showing the ad bar to a unique visitor, credits are earned which are automatically spent on a campaign for the same website in the network.

Ad campaigns are automatically created, and websites are automatically scanned for their best keywords to use throughout the network. You can customize your ad anytime, or you can keep the default settings, letting your ad be automatically created from your website content.

This plugin is just a simple piece of a giant ad network puzzle, as it is backed by a serious and really clever web crawler, similar to Google.

Works perfectly as a free alternative to Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Bing Ads.

Bundgaard, Denmark

Reg. ID: DK21095109